This is smart technology which has been designed by experts in the field.

The app allows you to have up-to-date information at your fingertips.

You’ll be alerted immediately if your car moves without your permission

The tracker plugs into the diagnostic port and the data is securely accessible on your own smartphone.

Review history of the car’s route, stops, speed and drivers behavior right in the palm of your hand.

Ensure you have a sim car with an active data plan to allow the OBD GPS tracker to share its position

Find your car’s diagnostic port (you may have to check in the user manual to find its location).

Plug the device into your vehicle’s diagnostic port

Download the free app for your smartphone and follow the instructions to set up an account and connect your device to the app.

Live somewhere where you have to park your car out of sight or around a corner? This tracker and app combination will give you peace of mind even when you can’t physically see your car.

Share your car with a friend or family member? Want to be able to see where they left it without having to call each time? This app lets you log in and see exactly where the car is without having to ask someone else to remember where they left it.

Do you provide company cars for your members of staff? Have you always wondered if they are being driven responsibly? This app will allow you to see the driving habits of those who drive any of the vehicles you provide through your company, and if they are being taken anywhere they shouldn’t be going.

- Never forget where your car has been parked
- Find out in real time if your car is moved from its parking space
- Rest assured knowing that you can check the location of your vehicle at any time
- Monitor your driving habits and patterns
- Keep track of your travel data